Why in Aragón?

Porcinnova is in the Aragonese city of Ejea de los Caballeros, a strategic location of agrifood industry and one of the pig industry busy areas in Spain.


The Incubator is very near to big pig and agrifood companies, surely a great advantage. You will have a close and direct contact to be mentored, validated and with immediate solutions on the spot.



Aragón is the first area in Spain in pig farming with nearly 4.000 livestock holdings and is one third of the Aragonese agricultural incomes. 50% of pig and agrifood business is in Aragón and Catalonia.

Aragón must invest 500 Million euros de euros up to the year 2020 to create 5.000 new jobs.

Aragón y el sector porcino

34%of livestock production.

15,3% of industrial workforce. 11.000 jobs.

3.900 livestock holdings and 13 million pigs a year.

Second export business with a whole value of 592 million euros.