
The main target of this project is the implementation of a structure involving the main pig industry actors in Aragón and Spain, securing the participation of all the interest groups and fostering not only the competitiveness of the companies in the sector but also its expansion and nurturing. We must create business and render the survival of enterprises by applying technological innovations with public-private partnerships.


This overall target is specified in the next targets aligned with the Spain Multi-regional Operational Programme FEDER 2014-2020 ones:

Promote the taking-up of innovation into the Incubated Micro SME management activity.

In order to do this, the R&D activities will be focused on the needs of the industry productive system. The High Technology Incubator will help to:


o Accelerate the creation and application of technological innovations by pig industries in order to improve their competitiveness.

Develop an advanced technological services auxiliary industry to accompany the great economic growth of the Pig Industry.

Link the developed research activities to enterprise by fostering mixed financing projects and initiatives.

Use all the existing structures to attract business initiatives.

Foster the creation of public-private partnerships between the different actors involved in the technological and business development.

Consolidation and constitution of partnerships requires involvement in all sectoral actors (companies, public research and technology centres, business development public institutions, clusters…)


An overall coordination, among all the agents involved, is very important for success and sustainability of the High Technology Incubator. And in due course, the intention is for agents to get to know each other better, developing regular joint events. Besides, in the emergence of new initiatives, enhanced public-private cooperation needs to be encouraged through effective knowledge, technology and expertise transfer. To get this goal, we will use these strategies:

o Foster coordination among various actors to get key assets through:

Identifying the people and contact points to gather not only their abilities and vision of the industry but also suggestions for promotion.

Discover the potential for joint action between pig industry companies, between different industries companies, innovative and academic ecosytem, between pig industries and social partners, etc.

Constitution of the adviser committee.

Promote international cooperation agreements and participation in networking with pig industry flagship institutions.

Promote higher level innovation standards in micro-SMEs in order to enhance their competitiveness.

The strategy to be followed must:


Create new sources of innovation to tackle the main challenges we face now in pig industry.

Create a program to incorporate technology and marshal the resources invested in R&D into the sector challenges.

Support the capacities of the pig industry not only through the making of forums and meetings but also developing specialised training that turn the High Technology Incubator into a hub of innovation, technology and knowledge transfer internationally recognised. On the other hand, we try to improve not only people's perception but also upgrade it through its empowerment.

Pursue the modernization of the productive activity in the different areas and promote new firm creation with a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

To this end:


The technology-based companies that expand pig industry value chains through the adaptation not only to its needs but also to the society challenges and environmental protection will be encouraged to start-up and develop.

The Business incubator as an essential tool to create start-ups that contribute to wealth, employment and development will be enhanced.

The environement, through a series of activities will be enhanced.

Contribute to full compliance with the crosscutting principles of environmental protection and equal opportunities.

Implicitly, the Project fights violence against women and aims to promote the balanced participation of women and men. In the same vein, it is well targeted to sustainable development. Pig industry has to face several challenges to repair environmental impacts and natural resource consumption. This goal will be considered in particular in communication strategy.