Business incubation services

Business incubation services

The aims of business incubation services are to ensure and keep innovative projects in their most vulnerable period: birth and initial steps.


Business incubation services may be complemented with hosting services in the High Technology Incubator in Ejea de los Caballeros, This, will make these companies as widely covered as posible in their market entry stage: offices, coworking, meeting and common services halls while minimizing initial costs. For an initial period of two years, we work hand-in-hand with companies and projects to enter the labour market under better conditions.


Porcinnova Business incubation services include support services such as advice, information, training, promotion, visibility, contacts and network that give a well-rounded soundness to the project. Besides, the sponsorship of the Porcinnova partners and sponsors give them not only a mentor network but also specialists on different matters to help to strengthen their Project.


Porcinnova Business incubation programme consists of 200 hours during 4 months, all the Thursdays and Fridays. It includes:

1.Training Courses, 10 sessions on subjects sucha as Entrepreneurship and Business Management

      • Agrifood Entrepreneurship.
      • Sector-wide perspective, environment, trends and challenges.
      • Commercial, marketing and communication.
      • Economical and financial, taxation.
      • Management and organization.
      • Specialized training in Agrifood Entrepreneurship.

2.Boot camps, 3 intensive training sessions en innovative management methodologies such as Design thinking, Agile methodologies, Business models and Modelos Negocio and e-skills.

3.Tutorización, aproximadamente 4 horas semanales durante los 4 meses de duración del Programa.

      • Mentoring, support and monitoring by specialist tutors in entrepreneurship and business creation.

4.Vitalization, events and activities to network, interact with other young entrepreneurs, collaborators and companies among the Porcinnova Venture.

5.Dissemination, permanent contact with mass media to get media impact of the business projects.

      • Visibility and support to dissemination and advertising of the projects not only on the websites but also on the different Porcinnova lines of communication.
      • Taking part inthe Porcinnova dissemination events.

6. Financial advice:

      • Bank financing, programme financial partners give bank finance access to entrepreneurs.
      • Public finance, support in identification and grant management and state subsidies.
      • Demo Day. Demo of the best projects to the main actors in Pig Industry and Venture Capital.